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Configure VS Code with Azure Cloud Shell

Tags : Azure
Integrate Azure Directly into your work flow with VS Code

After years living in tools like Visual Studio, and PowerShell; Currently my primary landing ground is Visual Studio Code. With my target audience firmly defined as Azure; In this post I am going to share my notes on how to get these two tools working harmonisly; and to make the experience a little richer, we will also mount the underlying Cloud Drive File Share of the Azure Cloud Shell on our local computer as a PowerShell Drive (PSDrive).

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2019: Happy New Year

Tags : General
Welcome to 2019

First, allow me to thank all of you that are continuing to read this blog; despite the drought which I am predicting has now passed. I have a long list of topics which I wish to address in detail throughout the year; focused on the areas which I am most passionate. Speaking Last year I had the opportunity to meet a lot of you in various parts of the globe, primarily speaking at some significant events; including the ‘Nordic NIC Conference’, ‘Cloud and Datacenter Conference’, ‘Tech Camp’ and ‘Experts Live’.

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Assistants, Family's, Work and Calendars = Chaos

Sorting out the chaos of managing multiple calendars, and putting assistants to work

Assumingly I am not alone, when we sit down as a family and talk about our day, and the plan for the next days or the weekend; only to realize that we have some real scheduling issues; because you totally forgot that you would take the children to an event; while your partner had a long-standing appointment with the hairdresser. Letting this happen once or twice, is forgivable, but happing on a regular basis; is the recipe for a lousy dispute; that we do not need.

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My Journey to the Internet of Things

While preparing to use the NodeMCU, Reminiscing IoT evolution after 20 Years

In a previous post, I referred to an embedded device which is called a NodeMCU. This device is a developer kit, designed to make it easy to develop and test programs for the embedded ESP8266 System on a Chip. Many manufacturers are offering both developer and production kits which leverage this SoC; including the Wemos D1, Lolin, and in my case the NodeMCU. The function of these developer kits is to add some supporting features, for example, a USB to serial converter which makes programming a lot easier, in addition to a couple of buttons, and maybe an LED or two, for testing some simple scenarios with.

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Defining Policy as Code with ARM Templates

Tags : Azure
Defining your Policy’s as Code in Azure Resource Manager Templates

My colleagues and friends Tao Yang , and Stanislav Zhelyazkov have both recently posts interesting topics on how to implement your Azure Policy as Code which I strongly recommend you take a few moments to review Using ARM Templates to deploy azure policy definitions that require input parameters Defining input parameters for policy definitions in ARM Templates Improving Readability Both of these topics address the core of the challenges we face when approaching policy as an Infrastructure as Code problem.

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01. About Author

Damian Flynn

I define myself as an evangelist; an entrepreneur & author with an ideology rooted in business insights, technology exploration, pattern analysis and high energy. I envision, theorize and develop system architecture and strategic business platforms, soaked in storytelling and innovative technology.

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