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Change Detection using Oxidized

Tags : General
Oxidized is a Linux based service which has the ability to monitor a device’s configuration, including software and hardware. Current configuration is backed up from each device and stored to a GIT repository to maintain history of changes.

The process is very simple: Login to each device in the router list router.db, Run Commands to get the information that will be saved Clean the output Commit the Changes to GIT Repository The tool is coded in Ruby, and implements a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for interaction. Finally, there is a Web based User experience included in the solution so we can get a fast overview of the world.

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Azure Functions Scaffolding

Tags : General
Dependency injection is an approach to solve inversion of control that facilitates components that are easier to test and mock. To better understand dependency injection, this article walks through the creation of a simple DI framework and explains step-by-step how it works.

Most of my time is spent working on Governance in Azure; and while the cloud native plumbing is amzaing, there are still some gaps which need to be filled, and my go-to tool of choice is Azure Functions. One of the products which I oversee the devleopment of is called the ‘Concierge’ and recently maintaining it has been a challange instead of a joy. It was architected with Fuctions v1 principals, and its well time for a look inside the tool box.

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2019: Happy New Year

Tags : General
Welcome to 2019

First, allow me to thank all of you that are continuing to read this blog; despite the drought which I am predicting has now passed. I have a long list of topics which I wish to address in detail throughout the year; focused on the areas which I am most passionate. Speaking Last year I had the opportunity to meet a lot of you in various parts of the globe, primarily speaking at some significant events; including the ‘Nordic NIC Conference’, ‘Cloud and Datacenter Conference’, ‘Tech Camp’ and ‘Experts Live’.

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Hitting Reset

Tags : General
Dependency injection is an approach to solve inversion of control that facilitates components that are easier to test and mock. To better understand dependency injection, this article walks through the creation of a simple DI framework and explains step-by-step how it works.

10 Years, It is hard to believe that I have been posting thoughts here that long. And how so much has changed since I begun?

I started this journey with the encouragement of some amazing people in Microsoft, as an opportunity to spread the news about Hyper-V and even more relevant at the time System Center Virtual Machine Manager which was still known by its code name!.

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01. About Author

Damian Flynn

I define myself as an evangelist; an entrepreneur & author with an ideology rooted in business insights, technology exploration, pattern analysis and high energy. I envision, theorize and develop system architecture and strategic business platforms, soaked in storytelling and innovative technology.

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