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Bicep - Tags as Parameters

23 July 2021Category : Azure
Deploying infrastructure ARM Templates to Azure, but using Tags and their respective value as the parameter configuration settings

In a post earlier, we look at using arm to lookup the value of tags' at both the Subscription and Resource Level. With Bicep this is much easier to understand. This is the same lab configuration as in the original post, but this time to code should be a lot more readable. // Sample to lookup tag values // Both Subscription and Resource Level @description('The resource ID of the resource we wish to look up a tag from.

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Azure IaC - Tags as Parameters

Deploying infrastructure ARM Templates to Azure, but using Tags and thier respective value as the parameter configuration settings

In the post, I am going to introduce a concept which will allow you to greatly up your Infrastructure as Code game, by using Azure as a State Machine! One of the typical challenges when deploying ARM templates, is the sheer number of parameters which we find as a requirement to complete a deployment; which as you will appreciate gets considerably harder as we target many environments. There are a number of methods to address this, including the use of Parameter files or Continuous deployment variables; each with their own challenges.

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Azure IaC - Function Keys

22 April 2020Category : Azure
Retrieve the Function Host Keys while deploying an ARM template

Todays conundrum: As I deploy a new Function Application, I need a simple methodology to retrieve the Host Keys for the function application so that I validate the deployment has been successful; and potentially pass on the key to related services, for example API Management.

As before, I am leveraging templates, and will stay cloud native; this time depending on the functions Output ability to present the keys.

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Azure IaC - Appending Tags

1 April 2020Category : Azure
Dynamically appending Tags to our ARM template with the union function

Todays conundrum: As I am leveraging templates, there will always be some standard tags I require to implement within the template, but I also require to provide additional tags as a parameter to be appended with the deployment. My objective is to set up tags within an ARM template in accordance with good governance and the Cloud adoption framework. Solution ARM Template functions to the rescue. Todays salvation is called union, which you can learn more about on the actual [reference site][https://docs.

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01. About Author

Damian Flynn

I define myself as an evangelist; an entrepreneur & author with an ideology rooted in business insights, technology exploration, pattern analysis and high energy. I envision, theorize and develop system architecture and strategic business platforms, soaked in storytelling and innovative technology.

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